The Historic Bluffton Foundation Caldwell Archives.

Research & Materials Usage Fees for Caldwell Archives

A written summary of the times/items requested, and their purpose and intent of usage parameters are required from the user, before time can be scheduled.

Research Fees

Doing research in the Caldwell Archives is done by appointment and scheduling through the HBF staff. An hourly fee that helps cover staff and archive time will be applied based on the time needed and the purpose of the research. A base fee of $30/hr. will be applied and is due when the session is booked, payable by check or credit card.

Usage Fees

Use in any public medium of Historic Bluffton Foundation visual materials requires written permission from the HBF. A fee will be charged for each image used. These fees are separate from, and in addition to, image reproduction charges. Fees for orders using multiple images may be negotiable. A signed Usage Request Form must be received by the Executive Director prior to the use of our materials. All responsibility for questions of copyright is assumed by the user. A Letter of Permission to Publish will be issued by the Historic Bluffton Foundation, granting specific rights. A copy of any publication, video, or computer software using images from the HBF, collections must be donated to the Historic Bluffton Foundation. All fees are subject to change. A credit line with each image should read: Historic Bluffton Foundation, plus the collection number if applicable.

Digitization Fees

All scanning of material from the collection of the Historic Bluffton Foundation is completed by HBF staff. Eligibility for item scanning is based upon the condition and size (up to 11X17 inches) of the item. Images can be saved in TIF or JPG formats. If no format or resolution is specified, images will be saved in TIF/IBM and scanned at 300 dpi.

Standard Resolution fee per image $50

Excess Image Discount - for scan requests in excess of 6 or more images, a 5% discount (excluding taxes and service charges) will apply.

Pre-Payment is Required for Orders to be Processed

Shipping & Handling: Will be applied according to requested methods. Turn-Around Time: Please allow 20 working days for each order. Orders in excess of 15 scans may require additional turn-around time.

Fees are Per-Image, One Time Use Only

Failure to comply with these conditions, copyright restrictions, and proper image credit will result in legal penalties, including fines.

Pre-Payment is Required for Orders to be Processed

Print Media/Editorial/Commercial Use (includes textbooks)

  • Circulation
    2,999 to 99,999 - $750
    100,000 or more - Negotiable

  • Cover/jacket surcharge

Commercial Advertising/Merchandising, display or exhibit, requires negotiation.

  • Television, Local markets, Network/syndication/pay/cable

  • Internet / www. / Commercial use

  • Student (ID required)

  • Print news media
    No fee

*Non-profit organizations receive a rate of 15% off the commercial use rates above.

Archive Information

Schedule your
archives session.

You will need to fill out the below form, for approval, prior to being able to garner access to the Caldwell Archives. Once approved from the staff of the HBF, a payment form will be sent for submission. Someone from the staff of the HBF will meet you at Town Hall to escort you to the Archive Room for the approved and scheduled timeframe.

The cost to access the Caldwell Archives is $30 per hour. A docent / representative from the HBF will be there to escort and assist.

Currently, the archives are open and available on Tuesday. If additional dates / times are required, please submit your request through the form below.

*The Caldwell Archives are located in Town Hall located 20 Bridge Street - Bluffton, SC 29910

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Archive Use Summary Request